Monday, April 13, 2009

God Does Not Change, We Do

God (Jesus Christ) does NOT change! The “Word” of God is the true Word!
"NEW DATA" other than the Word of God is a false doctrine.

People do change; they choose to believe other (new data) beliefs to fit their own lifestyle. People make changes (believing new data) to replace any convictions they would have, this is wrong thinking.

We need to execute the “Word of God” in our lives, the true Word that will always be. Some “new data” come & go, but Gods Word will live forever.

Execution of the Word of God will bring forth positive results.

I believe there is an area of complacency with most believers today. This is an area of comfort, of living out the life that fits your convictions & it becomes a comfort zone.

Most people would believe in something that has little, or NO substance to it. This thinking is a belief that will place you in the arena of no consequences, (but there will be consequences) and will allow you to live out your life freely & without any regard to the truth. The bible says,

“And you will know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free”.

God has not evolved, grown or improved: All that He is today, He has ever been, and ever will be. "I am the Lord, I change not"

The Bible describes God as unchangeable, eternal, immutable always existing. Whatever he reveals of himself as is eternal. All his attributes are eternal, as they flow from his infinite nature whose essence is also eternal, unchangeable.

When someone changes his/her mind, it is often because new information has come to light that was not previously known, or the circumstances have changed that require a different kind of attitude or action. Because God is omniscient, He cannot learn something new that He did not already know. So, when the Bible speaks of God changing His mind, it must be understood that the circumstance or situation has changed, not God. So when
Exodus 32:14 and 1 Samuel 15:11-29 talk about God changing His mind, it is simply describing a change of dispensation, and outward dealings, toward man.Numbers 23:19 is very clear, “God is not a man, that He should lie, nor a son of man, that He should change His mind. Does He speak and then not act? Does He promise and not fulfill?” No, God does not change His mind. These verses affirm the doctrine of God’s immutability: He is unchanging and unchangeable.

We all will embrace a belief in our life & most will pick & choose whatever is comfortable to them and as influences can distort the truth of who God is.

So the “NEW DATA” that some will embrace will cause some to turn from the true & only real God.

The Word says; you will know the truth & the truth will set you free!

New data will come & go but God & his Word will never change.

Here is “data” (the truth) that was from the beginning & will be throughout eternity.

If thou seek him, he will be found of thee.1 Chronicles 28:9

Your heart shall live that seek God.Psalm 69:32

Seek ye me, and ye shall live.Amos 5:4

The hand of our God is upon all them for good that seek him.Ezra 8:22

Keep on asking and it will be given you; keep on seeking and you will find; keep on knocking reverently and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who keeps on asking receives; and he who keeps on seeking finds; and to him who keeps on knocking, the door will be opened.
Mathew 7 & 8

God bless you & show himself to you as you start on this journey of knowing Him (God) the true “DATA”.

1 comment:

SlantRight 2.0 said...

Mr. Copley via email RE this post:

“New data will come & go but God & his Word will never change.”

This is noble but naive thinking. The bible has changed thousands of times since being written down. The interpretations of the bible are so far apart depending on the flavor, it’s all most a different book.

So which WORD should we believe?

Actually modern translations of the Bible are derived from thousands of ancient documents. The best translations are those that preserve the original meaning while making it understandable to the modern reader. The worst translations are those that use the ancient manuscripts using a predisposed agenda to validate modern supposition. For example many of the newest translations replace gender such as he/him or her/she with a neutral gender with a unisex meaning. This is an example of adding “flavor” rather than preserving perspective.

I guess a good analogy is the American Left Proclaiming the U.S. Constitution is a living evolving document that is merely a framework to validate current cultural norms (as perceived by the Left). Whereas there are many on the Right hold to the Original Intent of the Founding Fathers as the framework of the rule of law. The Original Intent crowd look to the frame of mind of the framers such as prayer, faith, Liberty, Property, Lack of government in the individual, government to preserve order, corrupt government to dealt with politically first then by force of arms if the corruption is too ingrained and so on.

The best modern translations are those that examine the thousands of Biblical Manuscripts and translate them as to their original intent and NOT the modern “flavor” of the day.

So the only real controversy of Biblical original intent is the determination between early and late manuscripts as well as if a translation is faithful according the numerous similar manuscripts or the earliest similar manuscripts? Does “numerous” outweigh the smaller amount yet earlier manuscripts? Is earlier better than majority? Is majority better than earlier? The controversy is all about figuring which scribe hand wrote a copy of a manuscript faithfully from the previous one. In other words a scribe may have unintentionally penned a jot or tittle that was not from the manuscript he was preserving.

Thus the thousands of manuscripts clearly portray a definite meaning that is incontrovertible except in clerical error. And therefore the literally thousands of manuscripts are used to determine a faithful translation; i.e. faithful in the sense to original intent rather than modern flavor.

Now so far I was writing of New Testament manuscripts. The Old Testament manuscripts are examined under similar fashion of analysis. You might find it interesting that Secular scholars have examined the Pentateuch and have developed theories to dispute the divinity of the Pentateuch or (Jewish Torah).

That theory has been dubbed Document Hypothesis or JEPD Theory.

The Document Hypothesis/JEPD Theory has been discredited as a working theory thus giving more credence to the Divine origins of the Pentateuch. Unfortunately Secular Universities and so-called Higher Criticism religious Universities still maintain the teaching of Document Hypothesis/JEPD Theory. Why?

"In other words, scholars committed to the presuppositions of the Documentary Hypothesis are unwilling to surrender this already discredited view until a better one comes along that allows those presuppositions to remain intact. A critique of these presuppositions will do much to determine whether or not this reluctance to admit defeat is justified." (Doug Beaumont – Southern Evangelical Seminary)So here is the conclusion: The closer to the original intent of the ancient manuscripts the truer the translation; the closer a translation is to a modern agenda rather than original intent the more likely it is a flavor of the day. If you buy into the flavor you will probably be reading a modern agenda. If you find translations based on the original intent of the plethora of manuscripts you are reading Truth, in which case interpretation becomes a matter of Holy Spirit cognition. Any reading of modern flavors or original intent via human cognition will only add strength to the secular wall of disbelief.

The logical next question is: Well what about all the other considered sacred writings of faiths contrary to Judeo-Christianity? That is another line of study that one led by Holy Spirit cognition should easily acquire. Unfortunately one enwrapped in human cognition will be confused with the self-justification of grasping for straws to validate a mind already made up. I believe Yahweh told Moses the heart of Pharaoh would be hardened until self-justification became a hard lesson on why not to resist God and a hard lesson on the havoc it eventually caused Pharaoh’s family (i.e. the death of his first born son). Even then the hard heart led to hateful anger which resulted in the destruction of his army sent to massacre the Hebrew tribes.

JRH 4/14/09