The other night I awakened after a dream I had. The dream was about people that had really been hurt while on their journey to ‘Heaven”.
In the dream it was about how people were going out on the mission field (like a war zone) in everyday walks of life and were being hurt, badly exhausted, & taking some big blows in the natural. The stress on each ones body was so severe they couldn’t hardly walk or hold their own body up to get back for help.
They were coming back into the church (as a hospital) to get bandaged up & taken care of. The wounds were very server on most. The blood was all over their bodies & most had been shot and were badly hurt.
As I watched this entire war zone taken place in my dream I felt as I was there with them. I could only stand at the side & watch all that was taking place. It was as a war zone area & there were many I knew would not make it (live).
The place of receiving medical care was understaffed; there were not enough care givers for the amount of injuries. Most were so badly injured they were just receiving bandages & were being sent back to fight on the battle field.
As they were on their way out to the battle field I knew they were not going to make it but die.
As I looked at what was happening all around me I could see they were never fully equipped for such a war as they were in. They didn’t have the “Full Amour” on as they should have. As I watched each one on the battle field I thought OH MY GOD! The fiery darts of the enemy are hitting them on every side. They were not ready for such a battle as they were in because they either didn’t have the full amour on, or they lost parts while on the battle field.
This dream was so real to me. Then I woke up at 3:15 A.M. and got out of bed as I was so disturbed. I was up for a while but I knew I had to go back to bed for there was more to this dream I hadn’t yet dreamed.
I returned to this same dream. It was like watching a really bad movie: pausing it & restarting it to finish the movie. This was so far out there for me because I have never dreamed like this before in my life.
I went to sleep and the dream continued right where it had left off.
As I saw so many wounded (children of God) in this war zone of life I felt this strong cry for them from within myself. I had seen in the dream some were just being taught half truths & some were hearing the word but not adhering to it. This was such a dangerous place for all to be.
As the fiery darts of the enemy continued to hit them & wound them they began to fall because they were all so beat down & hurt with just a bandage over a large wound and being sent back out to fight in this big battle.
I awoke from this dream and was so disturbed; as I thought on it I realized these were all the children of the Most High God (Jesus Christ). This saddened me because I felt the hurts, the pain, the anxiety, the distress, the loss of hope (hopelessness), the despair they were all feeling.
As I thought more on this dream I realized there are those who are in the body of Christ who are not receiving all the nourishment (word / food) that they need to survive in this world we live in. I also felt there were those who had heard the word of God (the truth) and denied the power within. And when the word came to them they listened but didn’t hear because of the other voices in this world (the enemy).
The word is to strengthen us, encourage us, build us up to make us strong as go fight the good fight of “Faith” until that day he (Jesus Christ) calls us all home there is a REAL WAR (BATTLE) we are in this life we live while on this earth.
In the dream it was about how people were going out on the mission field (like a war zone) in everyday walks of life and were being hurt, badly exhausted, & taking some big blows in the natural. The stress on each ones body was so severe they couldn’t hardly walk or hold their own body up to get back for help.
They were coming back into the church (as a hospital) to get bandaged up & taken care of. The wounds were very server on most. The blood was all over their bodies & most had been shot and were badly hurt.
As I watched this entire war zone taken place in my dream I felt as I was there with them. I could only stand at the side & watch all that was taking place. It was as a war zone area & there were many I knew would not make it (live).
The place of receiving medical care was understaffed; there were not enough care givers for the amount of injuries. Most were so badly injured they were just receiving bandages & were being sent back to fight on the battle field.
As they were on their way out to the battle field I knew they were not going to make it but die.
As I looked at what was happening all around me I could see they were never fully equipped for such a war as they were in. They didn’t have the “Full Amour” on as they should have. As I watched each one on the battle field I thought OH MY GOD! The fiery darts of the enemy are hitting them on every side. They were not ready for such a battle as they were in because they either didn’t have the full amour on, or they lost parts while on the battle field.
This dream was so real to me. Then I woke up at 3:15 A.M. and got out of bed as I was so disturbed. I was up for a while but I knew I had to go back to bed for there was more to this dream I hadn’t yet dreamed.
I returned to this same dream. It was like watching a really bad movie: pausing it & restarting it to finish the movie. This was so far out there for me because I have never dreamed like this before in my life.
I went to sleep and the dream continued right where it had left off.
As I saw so many wounded (children of God) in this war zone of life I felt this strong cry for them from within myself. I had seen in the dream some were just being taught half truths & some were hearing the word but not adhering to it. This was such a dangerous place for all to be.
As the fiery darts of the enemy continued to hit them & wound them they began to fall because they were all so beat down & hurt with just a bandage over a large wound and being sent back out to fight in this big battle.
I awoke from this dream and was so disturbed; as I thought on it I realized these were all the children of the Most High God (Jesus Christ). This saddened me because I felt the hurts, the pain, the anxiety, the distress, the loss of hope (hopelessness), the despair they were all feeling.
As I thought more on this dream I realized there are those who are in the body of Christ who are not receiving all the nourishment (word / food) that they need to survive in this world we live in. I also felt there were those who had heard the word of God (the truth) and denied the power within. And when the word came to them they listened but didn’t hear because of the other voices in this world (the enemy).
- Mark 4: 13-20
And He said to them, Do you not discern and understand this parable? How then is it possible for you to discern and understand all the parables?
The sower sows the Word.
The ones along the path are those who have the Word sown [in their hearts], but when they hear, Satan comes at once and by force takes away the message which is sown in them.
And in the same way the ones sown upon stony ground are those who, when they hear the Word, at once receive and accept and welcome it with joy;
And they have no real root in themselves, and so they endure for a little while; then when trouble or persecution arises on account of the Word, they immediately are offended become displeased, indignant, and resentful and they stumble and fall away.
And the ones sown among the thorns are others who hear the Word;
Then the cares and anxieties of the world and distractions of the age, and the pleasure and delight and false glamour and deceitfulness of riches, and the craving and passionate desire for other things creep in and choke and suffocate the Word, and it becomes fruitless.
And those sown on the good (well-adapted) soil are the ones who hear the Word and receive and accept and welcome it and bear fruit--some thirty times as much as was sown, some sixty times as much, and some [even] a hundred times as much.
The word is to strengthen us, encourage us, build us up to make us strong as go fight the good fight of “Faith” until that day he (Jesus Christ) calls us all home there is a REAL WAR (BATTLE) we are in this life we live while on this earth.
- Ephesians 6:11
Put on God's whole armor the armor of a heavy-armed soldier which God supplies, that you may be able successfully to stand up against ALL the strategies and the deceits of the devil.
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