If you give up when it's Winter,
You will miss the promise of new birth and the beauty of the Spring,
The warmth of your Summer,
The splendor and beauty of your fall,
Don't let the pain of one season destroy the joy of all the other seasons of your life.
Don't judge life by one difficult season.
Persevere through the difficult times in your life and better times are sure to come soon (or the next season).
Live Simple, Love Generously, Care Deeply, Speak Kindly,
Allow the Love in your life to shine through you to be shared with others.
Let the Joy of the Lord give you strength.
Learn to Rest in the peace of God presence.
Be Happy it keeps You Sweet.
Trials keep You Strong and develop character.
Sorrows keep You Human.
Failures keep You Humble.
Success keeps You Glowing and growing.
But Only God keeps You Going!
We all have different seasons (disappointments, & hardships) of our life when we think no one has ever experienced this season but me. So I have learned if we embrace each season we will enjoy and experience the splendor of that season, and we will know a new season is coming soon.
So as we keep our eyes (focus) on the one who created (God) us he will make every season of your life an experience that will develop your charter and make you in his likeness and image so all things (seasons) work together for the good of those that love and serve and are called of God.
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