I have found so TRUE that as we ALL meditate, trust in settle our Faith in the word of God & lean not to what is going on in this world, or our finances, or our health, or our school, or anything that would so easily distract us from the call of God & what God is preparing us for. But to trust the Lord with ALL our heart & truly REST in knowing God is on the throne & still in control!
I was thinking the other day about “Moses” & how he lived the best life one could only dream of, hope for, pray for. He lived as royalty in the castle! But before he was born God had a plan (design) for his life & it was BIG! You know the story so I wont go in to that—But, God brought him out of his comfort zone into the desert for 40+ years while he was in training for the call God had on his life. SO THE TRAINING YOU ARE GOING THROUGH RIGHT NOW MIGHT SEEM VERY UNCOMFORTABLE, But God will get you through this & you will walk in victory & success in ever area of your life!
My thoughts are the thoughts of the diligent which tend ONLY to plenteousness, Therefore I will not fret or have any anxiety about anything! But in everything by the POWER OF PRAYER & PETITION (DEFINITE REQUEST) with thanksgiving continue to make my WANTS know unto YOU LORD! And your peace which transcends ALL understanding shall garrison & mount guard over my heart & mind in Christ Jesus!
Today I shall be transformed by the renewing of MY mind, which may prove what is that good & acceptable & perfect will of God! Your Word, Lord shall not depart out of my mouth; but I shall meditate on it day & night that I may observe to do according to ALL that is written therein; for then I shall have good success!
DLH 1/12/10